Why3: Efficient Implementation of Software Concepts
Recall the Alloy specification of the Notifications software concept and its WhyML implementation based on finite sets:
sig Event {}
sig User {
var subscriptions : set Event,
var notifications : set Event
pred subscribe [u : User, e : Event] { // Subscribe to an event
e not in u.subscriptions
subscriptions' = subscriptions + u->e
notifications' = notifications
pred read [u : User] { // Read all notifications
some u.notifications
notifications' = notifications - u->Event
subscriptions' = subscriptions
We implemented this as shown below:
type user = int type event = int
clone set.SetImp with type elt = (user,event)
type stateT = { subscriptions: set ; notifications : set }
val state : stateT
let subscribe (u:user) (e:event)
requires { not mem (u,e) state.subscriptions }
ensures { state.subscriptions = add (u,e) (old state.subscriptions) }
ensures { state.notifications = old state.notifications }
add (u,e) state.subscriptions
let read (u:user)
requires { exists e:event . mem (u,e) state.notifications }
(* notifications' = notifications - u->Event *)
ensures { forall x:user. x <> u ->
(forall e :event. mem (x,e) state.notifications
<-> mem (x,e) (old state.notifications)) }
ensures { forall e:event . not mem (u,e) state.notifications }
ensures { state.subscriptions = old state.subscriptions }
let aux = copy state.notifications in
while not is_empty aux do
let (x,y) = choose_and_remove aux in
if x = u then remove (x,y) state.notifications
Separate Abstract Specifications
An alternative, more abstract approach would be to write the specification in a dedicated module separate from the implementation:
module Notification_Spec
use export int.Int
use export set.Fset
type user = int type event = int
type stateAT = { subscriptions : fset (user,event) ;
notifications : fset (user,event) }
predicate subscribe_spec (u:user) (e:event) (s s' :stateAT) =
(not mem (u,e) s.subscriptions)
s'.subscriptions == add (u,e) s.subscriptions /\
s'.notifications == s.notifications
predicate unsubscribe_spec (u:user) (e:event) (s s' :stateAT) =
mem (u,e) s.subscriptions
s'.subscriptions == remove (u,e) s.subscriptions /\
s'.notifications == remove (u,e) s.notifications
predicate read_spec (u:user) (s s' :stateAT) =
(exists e :event. mem (u,e) s.notifications)
s'.subscriptions == s.subscriptions /\
(forall e :event . not mem (u,e) s'.notifications) /\
(forall x :user. x <> u ->
(forall e :event. mem (x,e) s'.notifications <-> mem (x,e) s.notifications))
Then the implementation module will begin as follows, where a concrete implementation type is defined together with an abstraction (or refinement) function from the concrete type to the abstract type:
module Notification_Set
use Notification_Spec
clone set.SetImp with type elt = (user,event)
type stateT = { subscriptions_ : set ; notifications_ : set }
function view (s:stateT) : stateAT =
{ subscriptions = to_fset s.subscriptions_ ;
notifications = to_fset s.notifications_
val state : stateT
The function definitions are the same as before, but their specifications are simplified to a single postcondition as follows:
let subscribe (u:user) (e:event)
ensures { subscribe_spec u e (old view state) (view state) }
add (u,e) state.subscriptions_
let read (u:user)
ensures { read_spec u (old view state) (view state) }
let aux = copy state.notifications_ in
while not is_empty aux do
invariant { forall x:user . x <> u -> forall e :event.
mem (x,e) state.notifications_ <-> mem (x,e) (old state.notifications_) }
invariant { forall e:event . mem (u,e) state.notifications_ -> mem (u,e) aux }
variant { cardinal aux }
let (x,y) = choose_and_remove aux in
if x = u then remove (x,y) state.notifications_
Note that preconditions could still be included if desired. For instance, invocations of
when useru
has no notifications to read are innocuous, so in the above version the corresponding precondition is omitted, which means that function calls are allowed whenu
has nothing to read. But if we wish to disallow this it suffices to include:
requires { exists e:event . mem (u,e) state.notifications_ }
This still yields a correct implementation with respect to the
An Efficient Implementation
Clearly the above implementation of read
is not efficient, since it iterates over all pairs (user, event) in **state.notifications_
A more efficient implementation would give direct access to the event notifications of a given user, for instance storing notifications as a finite map from users to lists of events.
Similarly, subscriptions could be stored as a map, but observe that it would make more sense to store them as a finite map from events to lists of users, to facilitate notifying subscribers in the occur
We implement this idea in the following module:
module Notifications_List
use Notification_Spec
(* type of maps from events to lists of users *)
clone fmap.MapImp as EventMap with type key = event
type eventMapUsers = EventMap.t (list user)
(* type of maps from users to lists of events *)
clone fmap.MapImp as UserMap with type key = user
type userMapEvents = UserMap.t (list event)
type stateT = { subscriptions_ : eventMapUsers ; notifications_ : userMapEvents }
invariant { forall u :user, e :event.
EventMap.mem e subscriptions_ -> num_occ u (subscriptions_ e) <= 1 }
invariant { forall u :user, e :event.
UserMap.mem u notifications_ -> num_occ e (notifications_ u) <= 1 }
by { subscriptions_ = EventMap.create() ; notifications_ = UserMap.create() }
val function view (s:stateT) : stateAT
ensures { forall u :user, e :event.
Notification_Spec.mem (u,e) result.subscriptions <->
EventMap.mem e s.subscriptions_ /\ mem u (s.subscriptions_ e) }
ensures { forall u :user, e :event.
Notification_Spec.mem (u,e) result.notifications <->
UserMap.mem u s.notifications_ /\ mem e (s.notifications_ u) }
val state : stateT
The type definition includes two invariants. These are not meant as high-level properties, but rather, crucially, as implementation invariants to ensure an adequate realization of binary relations: (user, event) pairs should not occur more than once.
Note also that the view
function is specified by means of two postconditions (which is equivalent to writing two axioms for it). Since the maps used in the implementation are finite (and will be extracted to hash tables), lookup operations require checking that the key is in the domain.
The subscribe
action function must check if there exists already an entry for the event e
in the subscriptions dictionary, and create one if not. Then u
can be pushed to that list:
let subscribe (u:user) (e:event)
requires { not mem u (state.subscriptions_ e) }
ensures { subscribe_spec u e (old view state) (view state) }
if not (EventMap.mem e state.subscriptions_)
then EventMap.add e Nil state.subscriptions_ ;
let updsubs = Cons u (EventMap.find e state.subscriptions_) in
EventMap.add e updsubs state.subscriptions_
Note the presence of a precondition, required to ensure that the type invariant is preserved .
And here is a possible implementation of unsubscribe
. Observe that the user may not have any notifications (and an entry in the notifications dictionary) at this point:
let unsubscribe (u:user) (e:event)
requires { EventMap.mem e state.subscriptions_ /\ mem u (state.subscriptions_ e) }
ensures { unsubscribe_spec u e (old view state) (view state) }
let updsubs = delete u (EventMap.find e state.subscriptions_) in
EventMap.add e updsubs state.subscriptions_ ;
if UserMap.mem u state.notifications_ then
let updnotifs = delete e (UserMap.find u state.notifications_) in
UserMap.add u updnotifs state.notifications_
An alternative implementation might not assume that user u
subscribes to event e
. This is ok, but the function must then check if an entry of e
exists in the state.subscriptions_
let unsubscribe (u:user) (e:event)
ensures { unsubscribe_spec u e (old view state) (view state) }
if EventMap.mem e state.subscriptions_ then
let updsubs = delete u (EventMap.find e state.subscriptions_) in
EventMap.add e updsubs state.subscriptions_ ;
if UserMap.mem u state.notifications_ then
let updnotifs = delete e (UserMap.find u state.notifications_) in
UserMap.add u updnotifs state.notifications_
Both are correct with respect to the specification, which shows an example of a design choice made at implementation time.
The read
action becomes trivial: it suffices to erase all elements in the notifications list of u
, which can be done atomically.
let read (u:user)
ensures { read_spec u (old view state) (view state) }
UserMap.add u Nil state.notifications_
Finally, the occur
function illustrates the practicality of being able to directly access the list of subscribers of a given event. **notify_users**
is a helper function (see permalink for definition).
let occur (e:event) : ()
requires { EventMap.mem e state.subscriptions_ }
ensures { occur_spec e (old view state) (view state) }
let users = EventMap.find e state.subscriptions_ in
notify_users users e ;
Or alternatively (and defensively):
let occur (e:event) : ()
ensures { occur_spec e (old view state) (view state) }
if EventMap.mem e state.subscriptions_ then
let users = EventMap.find e state.subscriptions_ in
notify_users users e ;
The complete example is available in the permalink.