Homplexity Code Quality Analysis

Suggestion Messages
Warning BotHugo186.hs:SrcLoc "BotHugo186.hs" 64 1:function bot has 23 lines of code should be kept below 20 lines of code.
Warning BotHugo186.hs:SrcLoc "BotHugo186.hs" 92 1:type signature for aumentaVelocidade has 6 arguments should be less than 5
Warning BotHugo186.hs:SrcLoc "BotHugo186.hs" 114 1:type signature for estabilizaVelocidade has 6 arguments should be less than 5
Warning BotHugo186.hs:SrcLoc "BotHugo186.hs" 207 1:type signature for colideT4Batota has 6 arguments should be less than 5
Warning BotHugo186.hs:SrcLoc "BotHugo186.hs" 210 1:type signature for colideT4 has 7 arguments should be less than 5
Warning BotHugo186.hs:SrcLoc "BotHugo186.hs" 224 1:type signature for vaiMorrer has 6 arguments should be less than 5
Warning BotHugo186.hs:SrcLoc "BotHugo186.hs" 230 1:type signature for vaiColidir has 7 arguments should be less than 5
Warning BotHugo186.hs:SrcLoc "BotHugo186.hs" 243 1:type signature for apontaPara has 6 arguments should be less than 5
Warning BotHugo186.hs:SrcLoc "BotHugo186.hs" 259 1:type signature for contrariaPara has 6 arguments should be less than 5
Warning BotHugo186.hs:SrcLoc "BotHugo186.hs" 260 1:function contrariaPara has 30 lines of code should be kept below 20 lines of code.
Warning BotHugo186.hs:SrcLoc "BotHugo186.hs" 349 1:type signature for percorreHistorico has 7 arguments should be less than 5
Warning CollisionViewer.hs:SrcLoc "CollisionViewer.hs" 258 1:function joga has 24 lines of code should be kept below 20 lines of code.
Warning OracleT3.hs:SrcLoc "OracleT3.hs" 104 1:type signature for colideLocalAcc has 6 arguments should be less than 5
Warning OracleT3.hs:SrcLoc "OracleT3.hs" 172 1:function temParede has 28 lines of code should be kept below 20 lines of code.
Warning OracleT3.hs:SrcLoc "OracleT3.hs" 368 1:function unitTests has 48 lines of code should be kept below 20 lines of code.
Warning OracleT3.hs:SrcLoc "OracleT3.hs" 503 1:function evaluationTests has 47 lines of code should be kept below 20 lines of code.
Warning OracleT4.hs:SrcLoc "OracleT4.hs" 97 1:type signature for lancaNitros has 6 arguments should be less than 5
Warning OracleT4.hs:SrcLoc "OracleT4.hs" 146 1:function testesT4 has 47 lines of code should be kept below 20 lines of code.
Warning OracleT5.hs:SrcLoc "OracleT5.hs" 204 1:function glossTempo has 24 lines of code should be kept below 20 lines of code.
Warning OracleT5.hs:SrcLoc "OracleT5.hs" 253 1:function joga has 63 lines of code should be kept below 20 lines of code.
Critical OracleT1.hs:SrcLoc "OracleT1.hs" 20 1:StandaloneDeriving language extension is not enabled. Please add {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-} pragma at the top of your module.
Critical Tarefa1.hs:SrcLoc "Tarefa1.hs" 1 16:Parse error: $
Critical Tarefa2.hs:SrcLoc "Tarefa2.hs" 1 16:Parse error: $
Critical Tarefa3.hs:SrcLoc "Tarefa3.hs" 1 16:Parse error: $
Critical Tarefa4.hs:SrcLoc "Tarefa4.hs" 7 16:Parse error: $
Critical Tarefa6.hs:SrcLoc "Tarefa6.hs" 7 16:Parse error: $