Feedback for Group 183

SVN revision: 45

Time of last commit: 2018-06-01 12:56:38.0068834 UTC

If this site is not updated, if it does not show the last SVN revision, or if it shows errors, please do commit a new revision in SVN to "force" it to update.


This section presents the feedback for each task.

Task 1


Test coverage (HPC)

Visualiser of Paths (Ideal)

Task 2


Test coverage (HPC)

Visualiser of Maps (Ideal)

Task 3


Test coverage (HPC)

Colision simulator (Group)

Visualiser of Colisions (Ideal)

Task 4


Test coverage (HPC)

Visualiser of Movements (Ideal)

Code quality

This section shows the automatically generated reports by external tools, with hints and suggestions to help you improve the overall quality of your assignment.

Documentation (Haddock)

Documentation (Haddock)

Documentation (Haddock)

Programming style (HLint)

Code complexity (Homplexity)